Youth Ministry has concluded for 2020-2021 after an entire program season on Zoom.
Despite the unusual circumstances, Youth Council members developed and demonstrated leadership in new and wonderful ways this year. These include leading the worship service for the presbytery’s 106th stated meeting in October and giving a presentation to the Presbyterian Women this spring.
While our youth hope to gather in person again this fall, they are proud of all they could accomplish together this year.
With approval of the presbytery’s strategic plan, Youth Ministry programming is undergoing some transition. While Youth Ministry remains a committee of the Presbytery of the James under the Leadership Connections Team, it will be staffed by the new presbyter for congregational life.
As the world continues to return to some sense of normal, youth retreats at Camp Hanover as well as other fellowship and service events should return in the 2021-2022 school year.
Additionally, 2022 is a Presbyterian Youth Triennium year, when youth from across the U.S. and the world gather together for worship, workshops, and fellowship. Read about plans being made for the 2022 event.