Dear Presbytery of The James members and congregations,
We have seen two entire years pass in a global pandemic as the Presbyterian Hunger Program continues to partner with you and partners around the country and world to “alleviate hunger and eliminate its root causes.” Sadly, we know that poverty and hunger have risen globally as a result of the pandemic—as well as from ongoing wars and violent conflicts, climate change, and other root causes of hunger.
We are grateful for the way communities are stepping up to counter the impact of the pandemic and increased hunger and poverty. We have been thankful for partners who are advocating for vaccine equity, for communities who are finding ways to achieve food sovereignty, and for congregations willing to provide food as they also advocate for better public policy on issues such as affordable housing.
And we are thankful for you and the way that your financial support helps to provide support around the world for these vital efforts to create places of safety, peace, healing, and livelihood in the midst of difficult circumstances. God is present in all places and with all people, and we witness and give praise for the ways God has moved in our world to continue to bring “life abundant.”
In 2021, Presbyterian Hunger Program supported the work of 79 partners in 23 countries with nearly $1 million in grant support. We continue to work so that people have more and better food, communities who are standing for justice know they are not alone, and people around the world are allowed to enjoy the healthiness of creation as it was meant to be.
Bless you for joining in this mission with us.
Rev. Rebecca Barnes
Coordinator, Presbyterian Hunger Program

A teacher in Nicaragua gives a hygiene lesson to her students. The lesson is coordinated through Asociación Fénix, a Presbyterian Hunger Program grant partner that assists rural communities with improving living conditions and advancing food security.