Active and retired ministers, certified Christian educators, and commissioned ruling elders must follow two policies about sexual misconduct enacted at the October 2019 presbytery meeting.
First, they must read the sexual misconduct/harassment policy, adopted on October 19, 2019, and return a form acknowledging they have read it. Find the policy and form (the last page of the policy document) online under Misconduct/Harassment Policy.
They also must complete an online training, Maintaining Boundaries in a Digital Age, developed by the Lewis Center for Church Leadership. Register for and complete the course at (use group code GRP22574419269212).
The deadline for both items is April 1, 2020.
Retired ministers and educators who do not perform service in any way in these areas may apply to be exempted from this requirement. Send a request to Fred Holbrook, interim general presbyter/stated clerk.
Misconduct/Harassment Policy (PDF)
Maintaining Boundaries in a Digital Age online course
group code GRP22574419269212