As the danger, violence, and political unrest escalated in Haiti throughout the summer, World Mission asked Cindy Corell to leave in September. She is with her family in Virginia and speaking to groups and churches.
The Current Situation in Haiti
Unrest and violence in Haiti continue with the opposition taking to the streets to demand that the president, Jovenel Moise, resign.
Even if that were to happen, Cindy shared, a huge power vacuum would escalate the turmoil and violence.
“The opposition parties and some others in civil society spent the weekend in meetings coming up with a plan for an interim government. While this seems like progress, there are too many other factors. Any ‘interim government’ plan would require approval from Moise and the Core Group, a group of international actors. He has shown no indication he will step down. It all points to even more of a "deadlock," which will continue to hurt the people of the country.
World Food Programme states that one-third of Haitians (nearly 4 million) are food insecure. I've seen reports of deaths by starvation. Hospitals are not operating. Personal security is reaching an all-time low in contemporary terms. Many Haitians say the current crisis is worse than anything they have ever experienced.”
- Cindy Corell
Visiting Haiti
Cindy notes that even when the crisis abates, it will be months before visitors can come to Haiti. She suggests postponing the 2020 POJ trip to the end of April.
“It is heartbreaking to reach these conclusions. The people of Haiti need us more than ever, but not our visits at this time. They require our prayers, our financial support, and our strengthening of partnerships, even if not in person. I hope you know how grateful I am for our partnership with the POJ and FONDAMA. In addition to the generous and so faithful support of my service, this partnership brings life and hope to the people of rural Haiti. It is good. It is so very good.”
- Cindy Corell

Cindy Corell (center) shares her experiences in Haiti with attendees at the October 2019 presbytery meeting.
Our Haiti Ministry
Cindy Corell is the only PC(USA) mission co-worker currently serving in Haiti. She is there because of the Presbytery of the James, because of the commitment of our congregations to provide for her funding.
Please support Cindy! Send your financial contributions to Presbytery of the James, memo: Cindy Corell.
We need her witness there—and here. More than ever!
And pray, pray for the people of Haiti!
To arrange an event for Cindy to speak in the presbytery, contact Mary Jane Winter or Sarah Dennis.