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Tag: presbyter
As a preacher’s kid, certified Christian educator, and now ordained minister, Leigh Anne Ring feels prepared for her role as presbyter for relational care, serving her colleagues in Presbytery of the James. “God planned this identity for me long before I dared to dream it…
At a special meeting on August 9 via Zoom, commissioners approved two recommendations from the Presbyter Search Committee: electing Ruling Elder Barbara Chalfant as presbyter for congregational life and Candidate Leigh Anne Ring as presbyter for relational care. Barbara Chalfant A graduate of Union Presbyterian Seminary and a certified Christian…
Greetings, Presbytery of the James. In my first weeks here at Presbytery of the James, I have been meeting with pastors, committees, and learning my way around. Recently, on Facebook, a church leader in our presbytery asked about my vision. How do I see the…
Interim General Presbyter Fred Holbrook retired June 30. This marks the end of 40 years of ordained service to the Lord and to PC(USA). After receiving a Master of Divinity from Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Holbrook was called to service in Kansas, North Carolina,…
Presbytery of the James voted May 17 to extend a call to the Reverend Dr. Floretta “Flo” Barbee-Watkins effective June 27. She will serve as lead presbyter for vision and collaboration, a new position created in 2021 through the presbytery’s strategic plan. A native of…
In February, the presbytery approved a strategic plan incorporating three presbyters. These presbyters—a full-time lead presbyter and two three-quarter-time positions focusing on relational care and congregational life—will provide more support for congregations and ministries by focusing on specific challenges and opportunities. A search committee for…
Ministers and commissioners at the 107th stated meeting approved a strategic plan that will guide Presbytery of the James into the future. The plan includes a new mission and a staffing structure to fulfill the mission. The mission addresses challenging times facing the presbytery and…