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Highlights of the August Called Meeting

The meeting was called to order with prayer by Moderator Teaching Elder Rosalind Banbury at 7 p.m., August 29, 2023. The purpose of this called meeting was three-fold:

  1. To elect TE R. Charles Grant temporary stated clerk with certain specified conditions.
  2. To amend the Manual of Operations to provide a mechanism for the Mission Council to elect a temporary stated clerk on those occasions when the incumbent stated clerk resigns or is otherwise unable to perform the duties of the office.
  3. To receive and act on a report from the Nominating Committee.

A quorum of 66 TE and 51 RE was present. After welcoming first-time commissioners, corresponding members, and guests, Moderator Banbury read Galatians 5:22-26 and led in a season of prayer.

TE R. Charles Grant was elected clerk for the meeting. Moderator of the Mission Council RE Kenna Payne presented the previously circulated agenda, which was adopted by common consent.

On behalf of the Mission Council, RE Payne moved ratification of the election of Rev. Grant as the presbytery’s temporary stated clerk, with the terms stated in the motion. The motion was approved and TE R. Charles Grant was elected temporary stated clerk.

On behalf of the Mission Council, RE Payne moved the adoption of the proposed amendment to the presbytery’s Manual of Administrative Operations regarding an unexpected vacancy in the position of stated clerk. The amendment was approved.

Ruling Elder Tessa Schuman, Committee on Nominations (CON) vice moderator, reported on behalf of the CON and placed the following persons in nomination for the positions indicated:

Commissioners for the 226th General Assembly (2024):

  • MWS Nicole Ball, First Presbyterian Church (Richmond)
  • MWS James Taneti, Union Presbyterian Seminary
  • MWS Raymond Roberts, River Road Presbyterian
  • RE James Luckett, The Presbyterian Church (Fredericksburg)

Positions in the Synod

  • Jubilee Fund: Class of 2025 RE Leslie Bailey Blue Ridge (Ruckersville)
  • Synod Vice-Moderator: Class of 2024 RE Barry Parks Westminster (Charlottesville)

Moderator Banbury invited nominations from the floor. There were  none. Following an electronic polling, all nominees were declared elected.

RE Schuman then shared three opportunities for service:

Presbytery of the James Vice Moderator 2024-2025

The Committee on Nominations is seeking ministers of Word and Sacrament open to serving as vice moderator of the Presbytery in 2024 and as moderator in 2025. Ideal candidates are those who enjoy conducting meetings, speaking in public, and learning new things. If you are a minister who is being called by the Holy Spirit to lead the Church in this way, please apply. For more information, contact committee vice moderator Tessa Schuman.

Presbytery Committee on Nominations and Committee on Representation

If you know someone with a talent for making connections, or if the Spirit leads you to help seek out the next leaders of our presbytery, please contact CON vice moderator Tessa Schuman or CON moderator Walter Canter. Members of the Committee on Nominations are nominated by the Mission Council.

Commission on Ministry (COM)

COM is expanding. There is a particular need for ruling elders. Contact CON vice moderator Tessa Schuman or CON moderator Walter Canter.

There being no other business related to this called meeting, Moderator Banbury adjourned the meeting with prayer at 7:25 p.m.


Called meeting aug 2023_highlights


October 21, 2023



