The 100th Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of the James was held on Saturday, October 20, 2018, at Lord Jesus Korean Congregation in Richmond. It was a wonderful meeting; the host congregation was very gracious; the facilities were superb; we had a full day. Our worship service was inspiring with music led by the Lord Jesus choir, preaching by Rev. Joshua Andrzejewski, and the reading of the necrology.
At the meeting, we welcomed three new ministers:
- Rev. Mark Jernigan from Presbytery of Eastern Virginia to be pastor at Overbrook Church
- Rev. McCoy Franklin, Honorably Retired, from Western North Carolina Presbytery
- Rev. Christian Shearer from the Reformed Church in America to be interim pastor at Culpeper Church
Candidate Sarah Dennis (POJ) was examined for ordination and approved to become covenant pastor, Tuckahoe Church.
Gary Hatter (Olivet Church) was examined for candidacy and approved as part of his preparation for ordination as a Minister of Word and Sacrament.
On a personal note, I was deeply appreciative of the recognition of my ministry as General Presbyter and Stated Clerk since 1997. It was very touching and meaningful to me for this kind of send-off. Thanks to everyone for this kind gesture. Thanks also for granting me Honorable Retirement, February 28, 2019.
Other actions which were taken included:
- Approval of minutes from the Stated Meeting of June 12, 2018 and the Called Meeting of August 7, 2018.
- Approval of the balancing of commissioners for 2019 for presbytery meetings.
- Expansion of powers of the Greenwood Administrative Commission to include possible recommendation of closure of the Greenwood Church.
- Recognition of the 175th anniversary of Hebron Church in Goochland County.
- Heard the report from the Permanent Judicial Commission which imposed on Rev. David Forney the Censure of Formal Rebuke with supervised rehabilitation for breach of proper pastoral boundaries with a staff member of the congregation of First Presbyterian Church in Charlottesville, Virginia.
- Heard a statement from the Session of First Church Charlottesville read by Ruling Elder Downing Miller (Charlottesville First) expressing appreciation for the work of the Presbytery in the Judicial Process and indicating support of their pastor. Without objection, permission was given for the statement to be included in the minutes of the meeting.
- Granted the Woodville Session an exception for three years for rotation of elders on the Church Session.
- Elected various people to committees and teams in the presbytery.
- Amended the Presbytery Manual of Administrative Operations to allow for former POJ Moderators to be seated as Corresponding Members in meetings.
- Approved the following ministers to become Members at Large: Rev. Allen Pickett, February 14, 2018 Rev. Peter Smith, April 2, 2018 Rev. Molly Spangler, July 1, 2018 Rev. Sally Ann Sisk, July 9, 2018 Rev. Beverly Bullock, September 1, 2018
- Removed Rev. David Barry’s voice and vote at meetings in accord with G-2.0508
- Validated two positions for Ministers of Word and Sacrament: Director of the Global Mission Center for Christian Education, Union Presbyterian Seminary; and Chaplain, Hospice of the Piedmont.
Respectfully submitted,
H. Carson Rhyne, Jr.
Stated Clerk
2019 Presbytery Meetings
- February 16 - Three Chopt Church, Richmond