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November Special Meeting to Focus on Budget

Presbytery of the James will convene a special meeting on November 16, 2023, to consider three recommendations by Mission Council. Mission Council encourages participants to attend in person at Westminster Church in Richmond (this is a change) if possible. A light meal (provided) and fellowship will be available between 5:00 and 5:45 p.m. The meeting will be called to order at 6:00 p.m. Zoom is available for those unable to attend in person.


Review the meeting document below in advance of the meeting.

** Agenda and Reports updated on 11/14/23 with new location and new page 10

This meeting will include the following:

  • Recommendation to adopt 2024 budget
  • Recommendation to adopt a plan for use of the Church and Ministries Development Fund
  • Recommendation to form a strategic plan review task force

Those participating in person may check in beginning at 4:30 p.m. The virtual meeting room will open at 5:30 p.m. for virtual guests. An orientation for all attendees will occur at 5:45.


Registration for this meeting closes at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 15. All attendees must register by this date to participate.

During registration, please indicate whether you plan to participate in person or via Zoom. This helps meeting organizers coordinate appropriate resources. All participants, whether they plan to attend in person or virtually, will receive log-in information for Zoom as a precaution.

Selecting in person or virtual participation during registration does not lock you into that option; we understand circumstances may change between the date you register and the meeting. If registration is still open, register again to override your previous choice. If you wake up feeling under the weather on the day of the meeting, but still wish to join us, we will welcome you via Zoom.

Once you have registered for the meeting, you will receive an email confirmation, which will include a link to join the meeting. Use that link to join the meeting if you are participating virtually. Disregard the link if you are attending in person.

All ministers and sessions are reminded that email excuses are required for absences to be approved. Email a request to be excused to [email protected].


To make a motion during the meeting, please complete a motion form and submit it to the stated clerk. If possible, please present it to the stated clerk prior to making your motion.

For in-person attendees, motion forms will be available at the registration table and near the microphone in the meeting space. Present your completed form to the stated clerk.

For Zoom attendees, email your completed form to the stated clerk.

Notes for In-person Participants

Church Location
Westminster Church is located at 4103 Monument Ave, Richmond, VA 23230. Please note this is a change from the original location.

Facility Accessibility
People with disabilities will find the facility accessible. The accessible entrance is the door at the back of the church near the office.

A limited amount of parking is available in the alley behind the building. Additional parking is available on the streets around the building, including on Monument Avenue.

Child Care
There will be no child care available at this meeting.

A light meal will be available to all participants. This includes choice of veggie, ham, or turkey wraps, vegetable and fruit trays, cheese and crackers, Italian meatballs, and assorted cookies. A free-will offering will be collected to help offset the cost of the meal.

Download the packet to your laptop, tablet or other device prior to arriving at the church. Refrain from connecting to the Wi-Fi to reserve maximum bandwidth for POJ staff and volunteers running the virtual side of the meeting. We appreciate your cooperation.


Please direct all questions or concerns as soon as possible to Barbara Espigh, associate for administration and support. Barbara can be reached via email (preferred) or at 804-262-2074, ext. 301.


Ensure you complete the following to prepare for the meeting:

  • Elect ruling elder (RE) commissioner(s) and provide RE commissioner name(s) to Barbara Espigh
  • Teaching elders (TE): request an excused absence by emailing Barbara Espigh
  • Review the meeting packet in advance
  • Update your version of Zoom to the latest
  • All attendees: register by November 15 at 6:00 p.m.
  • Log in/call in to Zoom by 5:45 p.m. on November 16
  • OR arrive at Westminster Church by 5:45 p.m.