Presbytery of the James has partnered with the Presbyterian Foundation to provide four quarterly “small church forums” where experts in small church finance and financial planning meet with church leaders to:
· Provide a clearer look at congregational finances
· Offer some examples of best practices
· Enable networking with other congregations
The second forum was held on Saturday, October 6 at Forest Hill Presbyterian Church. Seventeen churches in the Presbytery of the James are participating in these events. They are Bethlehem, Colonial Heights, First United, Forest Hill, Genito, Hartwood, Hebron, King’s Chapel, Lakeside, Laurel, New Hanover, Providence Powhatan, Tabor, Tappahannock, Thyne Memorial, Trinity, and Woodville. These are all congregations with a membership of less than 100.
These events are designed for pastors, clerks of session, and treasurers. If your church has not been involved, it’s not too late.
For more information, please contact Deborah Rexrode, associate for stewardship, at 434-996-6032 or by email.