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Presbyterian Planning Calendars

Save on your 2024-2025 Presbyterian planning calendar by joining POJ's bulk order. Orders made through POJ must be picked up from the POJ office.

This 16‐month calendar starts in September 2024 and contains the following planning aids for pastors and church leaders:

  • Lectionary for Sundays and special days
  • Liturgical days and colors
  • Resource information for PC(USA) programmatic emphases
  • Synod, presbytery, and Presbyterian Mission Agency staff directories
  • Color, fold-out synod/presbytery and world maps


Our price is $10.50 each compared to $16.95 each from the PC(USA) Store.


Orders must be placed by July 15. POJ expects the calendars to arrive at our office in August. POJ staff will alert you when your order is ready for pickup and the hours we are open.


POJ is not able to ship calendars to individuals or churches. Only order through POJ if you are able to pick up from the POJ office in Richmond. You also may arrange to have someone pick up your calendars at our office.


Contact Barbara Espigh with questions or concerns.

Orders Closed on July 15, 2024.


If you prefer to have your order shipped directly to you, purchase from the PC(USA) Store. Shipping and handling starts at $9.85.