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GA Nomination: Young Adult Advisory Delegate

Young adult advisory delegates must be between 17 and 23 during the General Assembly

Are you comfortable with computer-based preparation and a technology-based assembly?

A YAAD to the General Assembly must recognize the importance of the following responsibilities and be willing to accept each. If selected by the Committee on Nominations, will you:

Be led by the Holy Spirit as you seek to know the mind and will of Christ?
Attend the presbytery’s training orientation session(s)?
Commit to prepare and read the business of the General Assembly prior to the meeting?
Attend and participate in the meeting of the General Assembly in its entirety?
Report to and be a resource within the presbytery following the General Assembly and be available for two years thereafter for the purpose of interpreting and assisting in the implementation of actions taken at the General Assembly?
If selected as an alternate, will you be prepared to step in as a commissioner, if needed?

According to the policy of the Presbytery of the James, a YAAD nominee must be recommended by the session of their church. 

Has the session of your church recommended you for nomination?
Please have the Clerk of Session send name of nominee, church, name of clerk, and date of session recommendation to Denise Hall at