Congratulations to Rev. Dr. Thomas (Tom) Coye on the 50th anniversary of his ordination as a Minister of Word and Sacrament. Milden Church in Sharps, where Tom is serving as the covenant pastor, celebrated the milestone on August 20 with a reception following the worship…
Moderator Rosalind Banbury, at the request of Mission Council, has called a special meeting of the Presbytery of the James on August 29 to elect a temporary stated clerk. Our current stated clerk, Steve Hicks, resigned because the duties of his full-time work have become…
When Hurricane Ivan hit the Florida coast last fall, its devastation was overwhelming and heart breaking. Brown Pearson, the leader of the Presbytery’s Disaster Response Ministry, called for volunteers and organized a trip in October. Then another in January. Learning how many homes were still…
On September 16, Presbytery of the James presents Equipping the Saints, a training event for deacons, elders, and other church leaders. Receive education and support to enable your congregation to do creative Christ-centered ministry that is relevant and forward thinking. Workshops will include: Officer training…
Rev. Franklin Reding, assistant to the stated clerk and records manager, is retiring on June 30. Franklin joined Presbytery of the James in 1997 when he became pastor of Providence Church in Powhatan, a congregation he served until 2013. He was hired by the presbytery…
Save on your 2023-2024 Presbyterian planning calendar by joining POJ’s bulk order. Orders made through POJ must be picked up from the POJ office. This 16‐month calendar starts in September 2023 and contains the planning aids for pastors and church leaders. The deadline to order…
The 114th stated meeting of the Presbytery of the James was held on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, as a hybrid Zoom meeting hosted by the Gayton Kirk. The moderator, Teaching Elder Rosalind Banbury (Bethlehem), called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. and led the…
Synod of the Mid-Atlantic offers funding assistance for new and small churches. Grants can be up to $5,000. Applications are considered in the fall and spring of each year, with deadlines on August 1 and February 1. Find the application on the synod’s website. Learn more
The 226th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) will be held June 25-July 4, 2024 in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Committee on Nominations of Presbytery of the James is looking to fill several openings for service to the 2024 Assembly. Minister of Word…
Our friends at the Pace Center at Virginia Commonwealth University shared the below community invitation with us. On June 6, 2023, two people were killed and others injured in a shooting outside the Altria Theater, site of a high school graduation ceremony. * * * …