UKirk at University of Virginia UKirk at University of Virginia seeks to support students in their journeys of faith through an inclusive campus ministry and as a welcoming church community away from home. Sponsored by Westminster Church in Charlottesville, UKirk at UVA encourages students to…
In July and August, following the takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban, more than 124,000 Afghan refugees were evacuated to the United States. Through Operation Allies Refuge, the U.S. military is coordinating care until the refugees can be resettled into more permanent accommodations. Government agencies,…
Dr. Deborah Rexrode, who served as associate for stewardship for six years, has accepted a new position. She started this week as director of development for the Keswick School east of Charlottesville. We will miss her generous, wise, faithful, and loving service to Christ and…
Trinity Ghanaian Presbyterian Fellowship has organized as Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church, after 12 years as a worshiping community. The process was approved October 16 at the 109th presbytery meeting, with some of the church’s 40 members participating. Holy Trinity Church members gathered in 2017 for…
Rev. Jess Cook has begun serving as the presbytery’s interim associate for youth ministry. Cook, who has more than a decade of experience working with youth in a variety of contexts, loves people, liturgy that means something, and spaces that invite us to bring our…
Is your church active in earth care or interested in becoming more involved in being stewards of God’s earth? Become certified as a PC(USA) Earth Care Congregation by taking the “Earth Care Pledge.” Check off activities and projects in the fields of worship, education, facilities,…
Two local congregations, from different denominations, now have one address in the Northern Neck of Virginia. Campbell Memorial Presbyterian Church and Living Water Lutheran Church have begun a partnership that allows the Lutheran congregation to use space in and operate from the Presbyterian facility. The…
The 109th stated meeting of the Presbytery of the James was held virtually on October 16, 2021. Some of the leaders were graciously welcomed to Westminster Church, Richmond. Ginter Park Church served as a second site where leaders hosted portions of the meeting. Ruling Elder…
POJ’s World Mission Ministry hosts a virtual visit by Frances Namoumou, a Presbyterian Peacemaker from Fiji, on October 24 and 25 at 7 p.m. via Zoom. Speaking on the topic “Peacemaking in Fiji: Climate Justice and Disaster Management,” Ms. Namoumou will share her insights and experiences…
The 109th stated meeting will be held via Zoom on Saturday, October 16, beginning at 9:00 a.m. This memo outlines the plans that have been developed and the steps that church commissioners, ministers, Christian educators, presbytery moderators, and guests should take to become fully prepared…