Learn about the role of Cairo's Evangelical Theological Seminary in preparing church leaders in Egypt. World Mission Ministry hosts Rev. Dr. Hani Hanna, president of the seminary, on January 26, 2022. Dr. Stan Skreslet, who taught at the seminary in Cairo as a Presbyterian mission co-worker before joining the faculty at Union Seminary in Richmond, moderates.

Hani Hanna
Dr. Hani Hanna is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church of Egypt and president of the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo (ETSC). Before studying theology, he worked as a civil engineer. Hanna has degrees from Minya University, ETSC, Yale University, and Princeton Theological Seminary. His academic expertise is in the area of modern theology.
Stanley Skreslet
Dr. Stan Skreslet is an ordained Presbyterian minister and a professor at Union Presbyterian Seminary. Previously, he taught at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo through the mission program of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and at the College of Idaho. His scholarly interests are focused primarily on the field of missiology, but also include the history of Christianity, Islam, and Orthodox Christianity, especially as these latter topics relate to the Middle East.