Please keep in mind these fast-approaching POJ deadlines!
119th Feb. 15 Stated Meeting Deadlines
- Childcare is available for $20/child for those who request it using this link by Feb. 7. Parents will need to provide all drinks, snacks, and food for their children. Childcare is primarily geared toward children five and under. If you need care for an older child, please contact
- Please register for the POJ meeting by Feb. 14. Find complete meeting info here.
Reporting Deadlines
- Annual reports for validated ministers, members at large, and certified Christian educators are due Feb. 15.
- Terms of Call reports are due Feb. 15. Download here under COM Annual Forms.
- Statistical reports are also due Feb. 15 and can be entered into the statistical online reporting system here. Complete details on the POJ process may be found here.
Effective Salaries
Please be reminded that any changes to effective salaries must be reported to the Board of Pensions via Benefits Connect within 30 days of the effective date. Details about forms of compensation included in effective salary are found in this Understanding Effective Salary publication.