Dear Friends in Christ,
It is a joy for me to begin service with you in the Presbytery of the James. I started this week with a prayer of thanksgiving for the faithful and diligent service of Carson Rhyne whose ministry throughout these 22 plus years has been remarkable. Franklin Reding, Carson, and I gathered for prayer on Saturday morning as Carson turned over the keys to the POJ office.
I want to let you know on this first full day in the office that I am available to you. The Book of Order charges presbyteries to be "pastor, counselor, and advisor" to the pastors and congregations (3.0307). I take that seriously and pray that God will guide my work among you. I want to celebrate your joys, weep with you when you weep, and provide guidance as we seek together to navigate times of disappointment and difficulty.
As my wife, Laura, and I are continuing our work of transitional ministry, thank you for praying for her as she seeks to offer her gifts and skills as a Christian educator. And thank you for praying for me, as I promise to pray for you. These are exciting and transformative times in the life of the churches and ministries of POJ. And I am blessed to be able to work with you all.
Please feel free to be in touch as needs arise. May God enrich this season of transition. May God bless us as we journey through this holy season of Advent.
In Christ's Service,
Fred A. Holbrook, D.Min.
Interim General Presbyter & Stated Clerk