Easter Greetings to the Presbytery of the James!
As we prepare to join our voices with Christians throughout the world and throughout time echoing the words, “Jesus Christ is risen…He is risen indeed”, may our alleluias reverberate throughout our communities. May our witness to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus be a light to the world.
May we find love, joy, peace, and community within our church walls as we seek to follow Jesus and care for one another. May what we find in our churches spill out onto the streets and be shared with our neighbors. May we meet them where they are, invite them to join our journey to be good disciples, and learn more about God because of their presence.
May our prayers be lifted for all the people in the world who don’t feel like singing this Easter season. May we remember those who live in war, poverty, strife, addiction, pain, sickness, sadness, and fear.
May we seek to find Jesus where we expect him to be, only to be surprised when Jesus cannot be held by a tomb, a church, or even a denomination. As Mary Magdalene and the other Mary found as they went to the tomb, may we hear the voice of an angel saying, “come and see” and then “go and tell”.
May we receive the peace that Jesus offers and share it with many, many others. And may our shouts, and songs, and prayers, and worship glorify God this day, this season, and all of our lives. Thanks be to God who raised Jesus from the dead and sent the Spirit to always be with us.
Rev. Leigh Anne Ring
Presbyter for Relational Care