Greetings, Presbytery of the James.
In my first weeks here at Presbytery of the James, I have been meeting with pastors, committees, and learning my way around.
Recently, on Facebook, a church leader in our presbytery asked about my vision. How do I see the Presbytery of the James moving forward? The reality is I don't have enough information to make that decision yet. And besides, I'm not making it in isolation.
Our strategic planning committee did a lot of work over several years to come up with a new model of leadership, a more collaborative model, with three presbyters.
Each of these positions will deal with different aspects of work for the presbytery, work that is unique yet has a lot of overlap. As two of those positions are still in the process of being filled, we're still discerning the way.
In my view, the most important thing that the Presbytery of the James should be up to is being faithful to the calling of God. How do we go about making disciples and sharing the good news and love of Jesus Christ?
As the lead presbyter, part of my role right now is getting to know you.
My goal, for me and the other presbyters once they are called, is to communicate with you clearly, effectively, and regularly about where we are, what we're doing, and how we're seeking to serve the Presbytery of the James.
We want to go to our congregations to meet you and learn about you and give you opportunities to meet us and learn about us.
So that's my focus for right now, over the next six months, is just simply to get to know you and the people who are serving at our congregations.
I am so excited about this position, and I hope you are, too. I'm excited about the upcoming positions that will be filled.
As we discern the way forward, I ask for your prayers. Pray for me and the staff and the two new presbyters who will be coming on board. Pray for us to be able to get a glimpse of the magnificent vision that God has for the Presbytery of the James.
God bless you and stay inspired.