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Youth Day at Camp Hanover

Camp Hanover 3163 Parsleys Mill Road, Mechanicsville, Virginia

Youth group leaders are invited to bring their middle and high school students to free events at Camp Hanover. September 29  |  October 27  | …

Haiti Update with Cindy Corell

Ginter Park Presbyterian Church 3601 Seminary Ave., Richmond, VA, United States

Cindy Corell, Presbyterian mission co-worker in Haiti whom POJ supports, has been back in the U.S. since September, when the situation in Haiti became unsafe.…

Older Adults Ministry

Presbytery of the James 3218 Chamberlayne Ave., Richmond, VA, United States

Confirmation Retreat

Camp Hanover 3163 Parsleys Mill Road, Mechanicsville, Virginia

Contact Colleen Earp for more information.


Hunger Ministry

Presbytery of the James 3218 Chamberlayne Ave., Richmond, VA, United States

104th Stated Meeting

Westminster Presbyterian Church Charlottesville 400 Rugby Road, Charlottesville, VA, United States