10 events found.
Overture Deadline for October Stated Meeting
Overtures must be at the presbytery by noon eight (8) weeks prior to a meeting. For the October 15, 2022 meeting, the deadline will be…
The New Face of Mission Webinar
ZoomAugust 24, 7:30 p.m. A webinar, “The New Face of Mission,” is being offered August 24 at 7:30 p.m. by our Presbyterian mission partner in…
Camp Hanover Homecoming/65th Anniversary
Camp Hanover 3163 Parsleys Mill Road, Mechanicsville, VirginiaOver Labor Day Weekend, Homecoming at Camp Hanover promises to be a fun-filled reunion for campers, staff, volunteers, and board members who have been part…
Reports due to POJ Office
Reports to be included in October Stated Meeting packet due to the POJ office