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Opening Worship – PC(USA) 225th General Assembly
Hybrid Meeting 8:30-10 am Leader Briefing 11:00 am Opening Worship 1:00 pm Plenary 1 3:00 pm Break 3:30 pm Plenary 2 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00…
PC(USA) 225th General Assembly – Committee Meetings
Committees A-D June 20-22 Committees E-H June 23-25 Committees I-L June 27-29 Committees M-P June 30-July 2 100 Witherspoon St. Louisville, KY 40202
POJ Office Closed
Office closed in observance of Independence Day
PC(USA) 225th General Assembly
Online 11:00 am Worship Plenary 4 2:00 pm Lunch Plenary 5 Coffee Break 7:30 pm Dinner Plenary 6
PC(USA) 225th General Assembly
11:00 am Worship Plenary 7 2:00 pm Lunch Plenary 8 Coffee Break 7:30 pm Dinner Online
PC(USA) 225th General Assembly
Online 11:00 am Worship Plenary 10 2:00 pm Lunch Plenary 11 Afternoon/ Evening will continue plenary or focus on Hands and Feet
PC(USA) 225th General Assembly
Online 11:00 am Worship Plenary 12 2:00 pm Lunch Plenary 13 Coffee Break 7:30 pm Dinner Plenary 14