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Mission, Ministry, and Money Workshop for Small Churches

Overbrook Presbyterian Church 2605 Dumbarton Road, Richmond, VA

POJ invites leaders of small churches to a workshop and lunch on mission, ministry, and money. This event continues the learning, collaboration, and networking started…

Youth Peacemaking Retreat

Camp Hanover 3163 Parsleys Mill Road, Mechanicsville, Virginia

Middle and high school youth groups are invited to a peacemaking retreat October 11-13 at Camp Hanover. Rev. Darren Utley will lead participants in taking…

103rd Stated Meeting

New Hanover Presbyterian Church 10058 Chamberlayne Rd, Mechanicsville, Virginia

Transitional Pastors

Presbytery of the James 3218 Chamberlayne Ave., Richmond, VA, United States

PC(USA) Co-Moderator Visit

Ginter Park Presbyterian Church 3601 Seminary Ave., Richmond, VA, United States

Ruling Elder Vilmarie Cintron-Olivieri, co-moderator of the 223rd PC(USA) General Assembly, visits POJ on October 23 for two events. At 11:45 a.m., she will be…

Strategic Planning Team

Presbytery of the James 3218 Chamberlayne Ave., Richmond, VA, United States

Older Adults Ministry

Presbytery of the James 3218 Chamberlayne Ave., Richmond, VA, United States