10 events found.
Commission on Ministry (COM)
Presbytery of the James 3218 Chamberlayne Ave., Richmond, VA, United StatesEquipping the Saints – a leadership training event
Culpeper Presbyterian Church 215 S Main St, CulpeperDeacons, elders, educators, and other church leaders are invited to Equipping the Saints, a one-day training event for officers. Receive education and support to enable…
Rev. Leigh Anne Ring to preach at Second Church, Petersburg
Second Presbyterian Church, Petersburg 419 W. Washington St., Petersburg, VANew Worshipping Communities Team
Presbytery of the James 3218 Chamberlayne Ave., Richmond, VA, United StatesSelf-Development of People (SDOP) Grant Workshop
Presbytery of the James 3218 Chamberlayne Ave., Richmond, VA, United StatesNeed a grant for your grassroots group? Or work with a grassroots group that needs funding? You could be eligible for a grant from the…