Strategic Planning Team
Presbytery of the James 3218 Chamberlayne Ave., Richmond, VA, United StatesHybrid Zoom/in person. Please contact team moderator for information.
Hybrid Zoom/in person. Please contact team moderator for information.
Meeting to be held virtually via Zoom. Please contact for information.
Pastors and Stewardship leaders in small membership congregations are invited to join a cohort to discuss their unique Stewardship needs. The goal of this cohort is to share ideas and…
As ministers, we all make a covenant to “be colleagues in ministry, working together…and to serve in the governing bodies of the church.” To help…
Join for a discussion with the co-moderators of the PC(USA) General Assembly on the state of the Church in America concerning race and on steps…
A gathering for youth ministry workers and volunteers in POJ to share ideas and community. Contact Colleen Earp, Associate for Youth Ministry, for Zoom information.