Throughout 2018, the Camp Hanover Ministries Purpose Group has been discussing plans to change Camp Hanover's structure through incorporation. Among other benefits, incorporation secures the future of the camp and helps insulate both the presbytery and the camp from liability risks.
Learn about incorporation at one of four meetings October 30 through November 8. At these meetings, ask questions and contribute your input as this important work is undertaken. A history of the project and a draft covenant and financial addendum, articles of incorporation, and bylaws are available on the camp's website.
Join in one of these conversations about incorporation:
- Tuesday, October 30 – Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church, Richmond
- Tuesday, November 6 – Bott Memorial Presbyterian Church, Dewitt
- Wednesday, November 7 – The Presbyterian Church, Fredericksburg
- Thursday, November 8 – First Presbyterian Church, Charlottesville