Many congregations in the Presbytery of the James receive the Peace and Global Justice Offering on World Communion Sunday.
This year World Communion Sunday, October 4, will look different for many of you.
Our congregations are connecting by Zoom or limited in-person worship services, drive-thru communion or no communion at this time. However, we can still celebrate that Christ's peace extends throughout all creation.
We can celebrate that we are offered what we need to continue the work of building the household of God with active peacemakers here at home and around the world. God's House may not look exactly as it did a few months ago, but we are still God's House in the world through our giving.
If you are a congregation that has faithfully supported this Special Offering of the PC(USA) or you are a congregation interested in contributing to this Special Offering, we invite you to take a look at the materials provided by the Presbyterian Mission Agency. While we may not be able to receive this offering in worship, your congregation can give online.
Congregations of many denominations extend the peace of Christ with a blessing during their service. “The peace of Christ be with you (and also with you).” It is a blessing offered and a blessing returned in kind. Let’s try it out: When I say “the peace of Christ be with You,” you say, “and also with you.” “The Peace of Christ be with you” (“and also with you”). The peace of Christ is part of what our faith offers to us. Extending the peace of Christ is part of an active, engaged faith—a witness to what it means for us to be building the household of God.
Through our participation in the Peace & Global Witness Offering, our church is extending Christ’s peace throughout our community—25 percent of the gifts stay in your church. Twenty-five percent will support regional efforts in the Presbytery, and 50 percent will go to the Presbyterian Mission Agency for its ministries of education and partnership with active peacemakers all around the world.