Expand your horizons of faith and engagement in God’s mission at PC(USA)’s 2019 Big Tent, August 1-3 in Baltimore. The theme Called to a Movement beyond Institution–based on Romans 12:2–will emphasize our hope of the Gospel and its power to challenge institutional conventions.
Opportunities are endless at Big Tent; sessions cover mission, stewardship, earth care, advocacy, art, and race relations. Download the schedule of events to view all Big Tent activities.
Events to note:
- William. P. Brown, former Old Testament faculty at Union Presbyterian Seminary, will lead the Bible Study plenary sessions.
- Haiti Mission Network with Cindy Corell will hold a meeting open to all on July 30 as a pre-conference activity.
- Camp Hanover will operate age-appropriate programs for children and youth from ages 6 to 17. There will be a separate program for infants and toddlers.
The registration fee is $95. Housing and meals are additional.
Learn more
Find all details about the Big Tent at PC(USA).org.
Are you attending the Big Tent
After registering with PC(USA) for the event, add your name to the list of POJ representatives going. We'll share the list with you a few weeks in advance so that you may connect with other local attendees.
Financial Assistance
Some financial support is available from the World Mission ministry of Presbytery of the James. The deadline to apply is June 27, 2019. For questions about financial assistance, email Mary Jane Winter.