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Moderator Calls Special Meeting on August 29

Moderator Rosalind Banbury, at the request of Mission Council, has called a special meeting of the Presbytery of the James on August 29 to elect a temporary stated clerk.

Our current stated clerk, Steve Hicks, resigned because the duties of his full-time work have become more demanding. The Rev. Charles Grant is able and willing to become the temporary clerk.

This meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. and should be very short. Your participation ensures we will have the necessary quorum to accomplish the meeting's objective.


Review the meeting documents below in advance of the meeting.

The virtual meeting room will open at 6:30 for all participants and guests. An orientation will occur at 6:45. The meeting will be called to order at 7:00.

Your participation in this meeting is important. Please remain logged in via Zoom for the entire meeting so that you may attend to all matters that come before the body.


Registration for this meeting closed at 4 p.m. on August 28. 

Once you have registered for the meeting, you will receive an email confirmation, which will include a link to join the meeting. Use that link to join the meeting on August 29.

All ministers and sessions are reminded that email excuses are required for absences to be approved. Email a request to be excused to [email protected].


To make a motion during the meeting, please complete a motion form and email it to the stated clerk. If possible, please present it to the stated clerk prior to making your motion.


Please direct all questions or concerns as soon as possible to Barbara Espigh, associate for administration and support. Barbara can be reached via email (preferred) or at 804-262-2074, ext. 301.