Presbytery of the James is grateful to the volunteers who serve on our committees, teams, and ministries. Your willingness to give your time and share your talents and skills enables the presbytery to support leaders, congregations, and ministries in growing followers of Jesus Christ who joyfully live out God’s mission in the world. We especially thank the following who completed their terms of service at the end of 2023.
Commission on Ministry (COM)
- Ginger Spence (Tuckahoe)
- Christopher Tweel (Three Chopt)
- Glenna Finnicum (Ginter Park)
- Bob Lynn (Chester)
- Lynne Clements (Westminster, Charlottesville)
- Judy Thomson (retired)
Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM)
- Marilyn Johns (The Gayton Kirk)
- Gwen Young (Woodville)
- Carla Pratt Keyes (Ginter Park)
Committee on Nominations/Committee on Representation (CON/COR)
- Gwen Lewis (First United)
Permanent Judicial Commission
- Tonya Johnson (Eastminster)
- Denise Hall (retired)
- Melissa Phillips (Salisbury)
Mission Council/Trustees
- Kenna Payne (Westminster, Richmond)
- Carol Martin (Tuckahoe)
- Bill Neal (First, Richmond)
Leadership Connections Team
- Rosa Oden (First United)
Mission and Service Team
- Nancy Summerlin (retired)