The 114th stated meeting of the Presbytery of the James was held on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, as a hybrid Zoom meeting hosted by the Gayton Kirk. The moderator, Teaching Elder Rosalind Banbury (Bethlehem), called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. and led the presbytery in prayer. Ruling Elder Steven Hicks (Mitchells), stated clerk, affirmed that a quorum was present. A total of 179 persons attended the meeting.
Board of Pensions representative Keenan Rodgers was recognized and offered a report.
The presbytery recognized the retirement from the presbytery staff of Teaching Elder Franklin Reding and expressed its gratitude for his service.
Recently transferring ministers were recognized and welcomed. Retiring teaching elders Albert Connette, Alexander Evans, Kathryn Korbon, and Franklin Reding were recognized.
The various committees and ministries of the presbytery made reports.
The recommendation of the Commission on Ministry to increase the minimum compensation for full-time installed pastors and certified educators by four percent, to a total basic compensation of $54,920, was approved.
Hannah Garrity was enrolled as an inquirer. Inquirers Noah Morgan and Andrew McFayden were approved for candidacy.
The annual report of the terms of call for teaching elders and certified educators was received and approved.
The annual reports of ministers at large, commissioned pastors, certified educators, and those serving in specialized ministries were received and approved.
The report of the Trinity Church Administrative Commission was received and its recommendations to dissolve the church and the presbytery receive its property were approved.
A new health expectations policy was approved, with the provision it be included in each meeting’s packet, and inserted into the Manual of Administrative Operations as an addendum.